Photo of Lake Manix Basin

Quaternary Stratigraphy, Drainage-Basin Development, and
Geomorphology of the Lake Manix Basin, Mojave Desert

Camping and Motel Information

The Friends of Calico Early Man Site have graciously offered the Early Man Site facilities as our base of operations and campground for the entire trip, beginning Wednesday night, October 3 (for those arriving early for the optional pre-trip day). Please treat the facilities, both buildings and archaeology, with respect. The only power on site is provided by gasoline generator and all water must be hauled in, so please provide your own water and power needs. We will have several portable toilets available for our use: please use them and NOT the BLM outhouse (permanent building). Some drinking water will be available. There is a small visitor center with artifacts on display, and the main staffer, Chris Christianson, can answer your questions about the site as well as sell you T-shirts and coffee cups (their main source of revenue, so please consider buying!).

Camping is permitted in many places. Immediately after entering the site, some camp sites are located on the left side of the road. Others (particularly those with campers) can camp in the parking area beyond the buildings. Still others can walk north from the buildings to walk-in sites or continue farther around the loop road to bulldozed areas suitable for camping east of the buildings. The group fire will be in the meeting area near the two buildings. You can also build fires in the fire rings that already exist at some campsites, but the staff has asked us not to build additional new fire rings or pits.

If you prefer not to camp, motels are available in Barstow and as close as the Yermo exit. Barstow is also the nearest source of significant supplies. Gas stations at several exits (Yermo, Minneola, and Harvard Road) also carry a few food items; no gas is available east of Harvard Road until Baker.

Directions to Calico Early Man Site:
To get there from I-15: 3 exits north of Barstow, Minneola Road. Turn north and follow the paved road past a few businesses. About one tenth of a mile more, take a left on graded road marked with "Calico Early Man Site" and follow signs to a right turn that leads you to the site.

To get there from I-40: 2 exits west of Barstow, Daggett exit. Turn north and follow the paved road through Daggett to Yermo, enter I-15 north, and proceed two exits to Minneola Road. Refer to directions for I-15 above.

USAGov: Government Made Easy U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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