2015 PNW Cell FOP: Olympic Peninsula (1st Announcement)

I (jay p) will be creating a 2015 PNW Cell FOP Field Trip web site here: https://www.fop.cascadiageo.org/?page_id=205

From Glenn D. Thackray:

We are pleased to announce the 2015 PNW FOP field trip, scheduled for Sept 18-20 on the lovely western and northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Details are appended to this email and further details will be available in mid-August.

If you are interested in joining the trip, please complete the brief survey at
https://oregon.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_7PzVICH4gfFP0lD so that we can get a sense of likely numbers of participants. If you have questions, please email us at pnwfop2015@gmail.com, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can, though travel schedules may prevent an immediate response.

Glenn Thackray and fellow trip leaders

2015 Pacific Northwest Friends of the Pleistocene Field Conference

Late Pleistocene to Modern Geomorphic and Biotic History
of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington.

September 18-20, 2015

Glenn Thackray, Idaho State University
Dan Gavin, University of Oregon
Karl Wegmann, North Carolina State University
Lisa Ely, Central Washington University
Andy Ritchie, US Geological Survey and Olympic National Park
Allan Ashworth, North Dakota State University
Jamie Shulmeister, University of Queensland

Please join us for a Friends of the Pleistocene extravaganza in the stunning and active landscape of the Olympic Peninsula, northwestern Washington. We will explore evidence of glaciation, paleoecological transitions, lacustrine changes, geomorphic responses to subduction zone earthquakes, and the response of the Elwha River to recent dam removal… and likely much more.

Following FOP tradition, we will keep up-front costs low by leaving participants responsible for transportation and food, basing the group at inexpensive campgrounds, and publishing the guidebook online. There will be a nominal charge for campground fees and other incidentals.

The nights of Thursday and Friday (9/17 and 9/18) will be based near Kalaloch on the western Olympic Peninsula. We will designate a rustic and inexpensive campground for the group to meet (details to follow in August). If you desire a more developed campground, nearby campgrounds include Kalaloch campground (NPS, reservations online), US Forest Service campgrounds at Quinault Lake, and Bogachiel State Park (ca. 35 minutes north, reservations online, full service with showers). The Washington DNR also operates several free, rustic campgrounds in the area.
On Saturday night, we will camp on the northern Olympic Peninsula near Port Angeles (details to follow)

For Thursday and Friday nights, indoor lodging can be found at Kalaloch Lodge, at several Quinault Lake/Amanda Park establishments, and in the town of Forks (ca. 45 minutes north). For Saturday night, lodging is available in Port Angeles and nearby communities.

Provisional itinerary:
Thursday evening, 9/17
Those arriving on Thursday will gather at a campground (to be determined) on the west side of the Olympic Peninsula near Kalaloch.

Friday, 9/18
Examine glacial, earthquake, and paleoecological records in the Quinault and Queets valleys. Camp again near Kalaloch.

Saturday, 9/19
Beetle, pollen, and glacial records of climate variability in the Hoh valley.

Camp near Port Angeles on northern Olympic Peninsula.
Evening celebration and planning for next FOP gathering.

Sunday, 9/20
Examine tectonic and landslide-influenced lacustrine records from Crescent Lake and post-dam Elwha River evolution. Discuss treeline fluctuation studies of Hurricane Ridge.
Trip will end mid-afternoon.

Further details will be available in mid-August.

If you are interested, please complete the survey at
https://oregon.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_7PzVICH4gfFP0lD so that we can get a sense of likely numbers of participants. If you have questions, please email us at pnwfop2015@gmail.com. Most of us are on summer travel and field work schedules, but we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Glenn D. Thackray, Professor
Department of Geosciences
Idaho State University
921 South 8th Ave, Box 8072
Pocatello, Idaho 83209 USA

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